

Application period

2 months before the start of each semester ~ the start of the semester

Required documents

Re-admission Application Form, Transcript, Statement of Reason

How to apply

Fill out an application for Re-admission and receive a confirmation from the advisor and head professor
Submit it to Graduate School Registrar (#207 Hwadogwan)

Restrictions on re-admission

A student who did not complete the credits within the enrollment period (Not completed)
A student who has been expelled due to disciplinary action (Discipline)
If the period from the semester in which the student was expelled has elapsed by subtracting the period of enrollment in Article 7 from the deadline for thesis submission in Article 33 of the school regulations.

Re-admission system for research students who exceed the thesis submission deadline

Eligibility: Research students who have exceeded the deadline for submitting their thesis after completing a general graduate school
Number of times of application permission: limited to once
Opportunity to acquire degree: within limited to once, up to 3 years

Conditions for obtaining a degree

Category Master’s Degree Combined Master’s and Doctoral Degree Note
Course registration 6 or more credits 9 or more credits Not included in the completion of coursework
Register 1 semester 2 or more semesters