
Credit Exchange

Northern Region Credit Exchange

Kwangwoon University, Kookmin University, Kyunghee University, Duksung Women's University, Dongduk Women's University, Sahmyook University, Seokyung University, Seoul Women's University, Sungshin Women's University, Hansung University, Sangmyung University (11 universities)

Other exchange partner universities

Konkuk University, Kyonggi University, University of Science and Technology Alliance, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Sookmyung Women's University, Soongsil University, Chung-Ang University, Hanyang University

How to apply credit exchange

- Consult with your advisor and choose a course, then get approval from the head professor
- Fill out 2 copies of course application for credit exchange at your Graduate School, and get approval from the partner university.
- Submit the course application for credit exchange to the Graduate School Registrar of your school.
- Get approval and take the course at the credit exchange partner university.


- Exchange credits must be less than 3 credits per semester. Up to 9 credits for a master's/doctoral program and up to 15 credits for a combined master's/doctoral program are allowed.
- If you want to take credits for exchange credits, you must check the course registration period at the exchange partner university for the semester and apply for courses under the guidance of the Graduate School Registrar.
- In principle, you should take the course offered by a full-time professor at the partner university to obtain an exchange credit.
- You may not take the same course at a partner university which is offered at your Graduate School.